The privacy of our customers and their security are very crucial to us. We take the security of your online activities serious. We\’ve provided our privacy policies below to help know how we handle data to better serve you.

We collect information

It is vital to be aware of the kinds of information collected on our website. Information like your email address, name, the name of your business postal code, city, country telephone number, password, etc. are taken from you. The information that we collect is collected in different ways. Cookies are utilized in the first place to gather, consolidate and store non-personally identifiable user information. Personal data is any information that can be used to determine your identity. For instance, your bank account or credit card number. The data you supply is unique.

Use of Information

Do not duplicate the same information two times.

Find services and products including information, products and services quickly.

Help us create the best content possible for our website.

Keep up-to-date with the most recent products, services and information.

Registration and ordering

If you sign up, you\’ll be asked for your name as well as your billing and shipping address, a telephone number, an email address, as well as the credit card number. To ensure that we are in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations we might ask you regarding your home country. We might also ask you regarding your gender. These types of information are used for billing, to complete orders and to contact customers to discuss their purchase, website or for internal marketing. In the event that we need to reach you to resolve an issue that we encountered while processing your purchase, we\’ll use any information we collected.

Email Addresses

Signing up to receive our monthly newsletter is the best way to find great bargains. We will provide you with the details you provide should you choose to take part in any contest.

3. Privacy Protection

In line with our normal business practices, we don\’t share (or rent) or trade personal information with other companies. We use the most current encryption technology. Every employee has to sign a contract of confidentiality which prohibits the disclosure of any details.

What kind of email do you send to your clients?

What\’s included in an email?

Weekly deal promotions, mail notifications, activity.

Newsletters via email, promotions and Special Offers

The primary way that we communicate with our members. You can opt-out of our mailing list by clicking the button within the email.

How can unsubscribe?

Once you log in, you are able to unsubscribe using the link contained in the email you got or the settings for your subscriber.